React Native
Functional Programming
Serverless Architecture
Coding, Web3, games and anime
I am a senior software engineer with over 10 years of experience in mobile and web application development in various companies in São Paulo. I have skills in Full Stack development, including expertise in React/React Native, as well as experience in Node and Java development, using databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL and creating/configuring CI/CD automations. My experience includes working on mobile app projects at Netlolo and ZAX, where I served as a Senior Software Engineer. I also have a degree in Information Technology and fluency in English at B1/B2 level.
Sr Software Engineer, Zax
Jan 2019 — Present
São Paulo
Developed from scratch a mobile app for wholesales business to sell their products to other business partners in a more useful and easy way. Used React Native, TypeScript, and GraphQL. The backend is made in Node.js with GraphQL as well. Used PostgreSQL and MySQL for storing all the data used. Used Redis to create a caching layer. Used React and Next.js for the websites, using a serverless approach. All this infrastructure is on AWS (EC2, ECS, S3, Lambda and VPCs), and the CI/CD is mainly made with Github Actions and Fastlane, even used Code Climate as a code quality control for the project. For the local development, used Docker to make the configuration easy and more stable.
Sr Software Engineer, Netlolo
Sep 2018 — Present
São Paulo
Created a mobile and web app for cryptocurrencies for the masses. Used React Native and Typescript on the mobile side, with GraphQL as the backend base, along with some Node.js and Express communicating with some blockchains. For the web, some Web3 functionality was implemented to make it easier to interact with smart contracts in the ETH blockchain. Used Git Flow as the base for the project flow and Bitbucket as the remote. Used PostgreSQL as the database, with the Hasura service as the layer that exposes the GraphQL. Developed a Chat SDK for small to large businesses to communicate with their users. The Chat SDK was created with React Native and Typescript on the mobile side, and React in the Web version, using Redux for the global context. Used XMPP and Java as the backend for the messages for a real-time experience. Created and configurated a lot of CI/CD automations to make sure there is no downtime and every fix should be up automatically.
Sr Software Engineer, Escale
Jan 2018 — Sep 2018
São Paulo
Helped in the base and development of a new product where the company can sell health care services via Google Ads. Implemented the React boilerplate with Redux and a backend service done in Node.js using TypeScript. Mentored another devs in the use of the methodologies applied in the project, including Restful, Functional Programing and Microsservices in internal Tech Talks. Used MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB as databases, depending on the microsservice responsabilities. Implemented some CI/CD automations in CircleCI to fire when some microsservice change was safely merged into the master branch.
Pl Software Engineer, PraValer
Jun 2017 — Jan 2018
São Paulo
Helped in the base and development of a new product where the company can give student loans with governamental funding. Implemented the Vue boilerplate and a backend service done in Node.js and Express. Migrated a bunch of legacy code and functions created in PHP to work with this new backend. Used a custom Git Flow as the base for the project flow and Github as the remote. Recreated some PostgreSQL database tables to use better formats and indexes. Used Git Flow as the base for the project flow and Github as the remote. Used PostgreSQL to store user data and MongoDB to store the loan requests and logs. The visual was created with React and Redux as the global state.
Bachelor of Technology, Anhanguera
Jan 2016 — Jul 2018
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Information Technology
References available upon request